The Best Underwater Electrical Potting Compound And How To Use
The Best Underwater Electrical Potting Compound And How To Use
Potting is very important in keeping electrical components safe. The protective method has become popular in almost all fields, and underwater systems have not been left behind. Whether your systems are used underwater or face water exposure during operation, you need to consider potting the sensitive parts to keep them safe from water damage.
Underwater electrical potting compounds protect circuitry, electrical devices, and appliances from water damage. The compounds are generally waterproof and encapsulate the circuitry and cables to be immersed in water. So many other appliances also require the waterproof properties of potting compounds to keep them safe and operating at optimum levels.

What makes the best underwater potting compound?
Urethane elastomers are among the best potting materials for waterproof electrical circuits and devices. Urethane has excellent water resistance levels and can tolerate extreme temperatures, making it a suitable potting material for underwater applications. It encapsulates the electrical circuitry keeping water damage at bay.
It is also important to note that some epoxies and silicones are waterproof and can work great in waterproofing electrical components. The most important thing to do is check the waterproofing levels of the potting compounds you choose to ensure they can serve your needs efficiently. Always get your potting product from brands you trust to enjoy superior quality in everything you pot.
Using underwater potting compound
Electrical potting compounds are usually moisture sensitive before curing. This makes it very important to do your potting in an environment with some humidity control. When exposed to moisture before curing, the results might not be the best, and you also risk getting defects in the coating that is supposed to protect your components. The best area to do the potting in should be between 65F-75F. You can follow the simple steps below when you are sure the environment is safe for the process.
Step 1 – gather all necessary materials for the potting process. The mold, case or shell, electrical equipment, mixing utensils, breathing apparatus or respirator, gloves, and the potting compound you have selected should all be ready.
Step 2 – if the potting compound is two-part, shake both compounds vigorously and measure in the recommended ratio; usually, you will need the two in equal parts. Pour them into a mixing container and stir using your utensil until you get the right consistency.
Step 3 – Pour out the mixed potting compound slowly from one corner of the electrical component case or mold, and allow it to spread to the entire area. Allowing the compound to spread on its own helps keep air bubbles minimal.
Step 4 – allow it to cure fully, usually up to 12 hours. The curing time can, however, be shorter or longer depending on the amount of material used and the type of compound you selected for the waterproofing.
If the appliance or component requires multiple layers, you must allow the first layer to be fully cure before going ahead with the next. Remember to check the pot life in such a case, so you mix only what is needed layer by layer.
There are many potting applications in different fields, including aerospace, electronics, industrial, lighting, and automotive. Deep Material is one of the best manufacturers of quality potting compounds and adhesives.

For more about the best underwater electrical potting compound and how to use,you can pay a visit to DeepMaterial at for more info.