Important glue parameters for Lens Bonding Adhesives
Important glue parameters for Lens Bonding Adhesives
Manufacturers of optical adhesives have been able to help the lens-making industry to produce smarter and smoother products. Thanks to industrial advancement of this industry, so many sophisticated lens bonding adhesives have been manufactured. The lens making industry depends on rugged lens bonding adhesives to complete the production of optical lenses. Optical lenses have a gluing mechanism that produces mechanical high-strength and durable mechanical bonds.

The importance of lens bonding adhesives to optical engineers
Optics engineers are responsible for the assembly of optical equipment. They usually rely on specific optical adhesives to properly bond the components together. These optics engineers are responsible for the assembly of fibre optics, fixture and positioning of optical elements, prism and lens bonding, and assembly of optics. Various lens bonding adhesives are applied industrially. Each one has its limitations and strengths – this is why it can be difficult to choose the right adhesive for certain applications. Engineers need to consider this carefully before they select the right type of adhesive. This means that they usually need to compare the application requirements to the elements of the material and balance against demands. In the assembly of optics, the refractive index and optical transmission of the lens will have to be factored in if the adhesive is meant to be applied in the path of light. However, there are also several other factors to be considered.
Lens bonding adhesives: Important glue parameters
Optical adhesives are important for bonding optical lenses together to create special products. To make sure that the final optical lenses come with the necessary gluing quality, the adhesive needs to have important glue parameters. These parameters must be met for the final optical lens to function optimally during use. These parameters include:
- The glue should be transparent and colorless. It should not have any fluorescence and have high transmittance. The refractive index should look like that of the joined parts.
- The adhesive should provide sufficient mechanical strength and the glued layer should not crack as a result of impact and vibration.
- The adhesive should be chemically stable and should never react with the optical materials. In addition, it should not undergo any deformation after being used for a long time.
- The glue should be eco-friendly in such a way that it preserves the environment. It should be harmless and non-toxic.
- It should have excellent thermal stability and be able to work within accepted temperature limits. The glue should be able to withstand a wide temperature range without dislocation, degumming, or cracking of its parts.
- The adhesive should be installed through a simple process and in such a way that the glue can be removed very easily.
- There are different types of lens bonding adhesives which usually vary from opaque to transparent. While most manufacturers need lens glues that have enhanced optical clarity, there are also opaque options that are used in different application areas.
- A lens bonding adhesive should work properly when used on a wide range of substrates. They are known for their remarkable stress relief, temperature resistance, and protection from moisture. These adhesives can be improved by adding additives to further boost their mechanical properties. You can further handle and process important parameters such as cure time, working life, viscosity, and mix ratios – all of which play a pivotal role in choosing the right adhesive for your lens bonding applications.
Adhesives for optical lens
Optical lenses are very sensitive and useful glass materials that need superior industrial adhesives to produce the best results. A majority of the adhesives that are used to bond optical lenses are organic polymers. These organic polymers that are applied in the lens bonding industry can be divided into four main types. They are:
- Optical photosensitive adhesives
- Methanol glues
- Epoxy resin glues
- Natural Fir Resin
Natural Resin Fir Glue: This is a lens bonding adhesive that has a simple methodology. It is known for its poor temperature performance that frequently causes degumming. When there is degumming, this causes a movement in the lens centre and the prism angle. When all of this happens, the instruments lose the intended design specifications.
Methanol glues: The use of methanol adhesives in lens bonding can be more complicated. The glue shrinkage is considerably large and noticeable. This makes the image quality of the optical components deteriorate considerably. The adhesive layer does not resist aging and the product does not last for a long time. In addition, degumming or colour changes occurs very easily which results in reduced light transmittance.
Epoxy resin glues: The Epoxy resin adhesive provides small shrinkage when used as a lens bonding adhesive. It provides excellent optical image quality. However, it is known to have a very long curing time. The process of applying the adhesive is complex and the adhesive has a high toxicity. The use of epoxy resin glues limits compromises mass production because it causes allergies to the human skin.
Optical photosensitive adhesives: Optical photosensitive adhesives can be used more conveniently and comes with increased efficiency. When exposed to UV light radiation, the glue can dry up completely within about 12 minutes. The adhesive is also known to produce excellent optical image quality as well as small shrinkage. It can resist aging. If the adhesive layer is used for the long term, it never changes its colour. In addition, light transmittance is never below 90%.

Checking for special parameters after gluing the optical lens
Lens bonding adhesives can be checked for special parameters as soon as the gluing process is complete. The glued parts are checked for special features such as their geometric position and optical elements are checked. The optical parameters that are checked include aperture, resolution, image quality, vertex focal length, focal length, image tilt, and eccentricity. These are special parameters that can be checked by using specific instruments. Other factors that can be checked include the surface quality and adhesive layer are checked by simple visual methods. Also, they can be checked with magnifying glasses concerning certain technical requirements.
For more about choosing the Lens Bonding Adhesives,you can pay a visit to DeepMaterial at for more info.